Hon S. Yi, VP of Business Development, Leads 3D Printing Session at 18th World Knowledge Forum


OCTOBER 18, 2017: The World Knowledge Forum was launched in October 2000, after two years of preparation with the ambition to transform Korea into a creative knowledge driven nation. Since then, the World Knowledge Forum has beena place for discussions to reduce knowledge gaps through knowledge sharing, and promote balanced global economic growth and prosperity. Since the first forum with the theme of “Shaping the New Millennium with Knowledge” in 2000, a total of 3,600 global speakers and over 35,000 audiences have participated until now, making the World Knowledge Forum as the biggest knowledge festival in the world.

The theme of 2017 is ”Inflection Point: Towards New Prosperity”

The forum presents a path and a direction to where the world should aim towards at this inflection point, with global leaders including Francois Hollande; the former President of France, Ban Ki-moon; the former UN Secretary-General and world-renowned scholars such as the 2016 Nobel laureate in economics, professor Oliver Hart from Harvard University. Numerous global entrepreneurs who are leading the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, including Zhang Ya-Qin, the President of Baidu, will also participate to share the insights and visions of the world’s leading corporations and companies.

During the 3D printing session, panelists discuss the current status of 3D printing and the future of the manufacturing. Also, they discuss how 3D printing will influence on each industry and how the echo systems will be set-up.

The panelists are as below:
Hon S. Yi (VP, Tytus3D), Hod Lipson (Columbia University, Professor), Omer Krieger (Stratasys Asia Pacific, President), Wilfried Vancraen (Materialise, Founder & CEO)

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